Property Sale and Purchase Contract Review

Property Services

What is Contract Review?

Within Thailand’s property sector, the Sale and Purchase Agreement, also known as the “Contract of Sale,” holds significant importance in facilitating property transactions. However, typical contracts in Thailand may lack comprehensive provisions to address all potential contingencies, potentially exposing both parties to risks. Contract review involves a thorough examination to ensure alignment with the buyer’s and seller’s interests, covering aspects such as negotiated conditions, tax responsibilities, and completion schedules for off-plan developments.

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Keys to Consider:

Engaging a lawyer to review a contract is essential for several key reasons. Firstly, it facilitates a seamless transaction process by providing clarity and thorough explanation of contract terms, thereby mitigating the risk of misunderstandings or disputes. HLG Thailand lawyers ensure that the contract comprehensively includes all negotiated conditions and essential provisions, effectively safeguarding the buyer's interests and rights. Our lawyers verify the legality and enforceability of the contract terms, which is particularly crucial in a foreign legal context such as Thailand, ensuring the contract's adherence to all pertinent laws and regulations.

Additional Information:

In addition to our Contract Review Service, HLG Thailand offers a comprehensive suite of property services tailored to meet clients’ specific needs. Our goal is to provide support throughout the property transaction journey, ensuring clients’ legal protection.
Here are some of the benefits of going through the contract review process with our legal department:

  1. Ensuring that contract terms adequately safeguard the rights of both parties and mitigate potential risks.
  2. Identifying any omissions or essential provisions missing from the contract, such as tax responsibilities or construction completion schedules.
  3. Our legal team negotiates with the seller to amend the contract as necessary, including provisions for construction delays and penalty payments, to align with the buyer’s needs.


What does the property title transfer process entail?

A property title transfer involves the official transfer of ownership rights from the seller to the buyer, typically facilitated at the land office. This process requires legal procedures to register the new owner’s details and finalize the transaction.

Key considerations encompass tax and fee obligations, required documentation, and compliance with legal regulations, especially regarding foreign ownership. Negotiating tax responsibilities and ensuring document completeness are crucial parts of this step.

Yes, property title transfers in Thailand are governed by specific regulations and laws. It’s crucial for buyers and sellers alike to understand and adhere to these regulations throughout the transfer process.

Yes, the property title transfer process can differ based on the type of property involved. Various property types may have unique regulations and requirements that must be addressed during the transfer process. Understanding these differences is vital when transferring ownership of various property types.

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