Power of Attorney in Thailand

Civil Law Services

What is a Power of Attorney in Thailand?

A Power of Attorney in Thailand is a legal paper instrument that allows one person (the Agent or Attorney-in-Fact) to act on behalf of another (the Principal or Grantor) .In Thailand, there are two main types of power of attorney: general and specific. A general power of attorney grants broad authority for various legal matters, while a specific power of attorney is limited to particular tasks or transactions outlined in the document. Both types serve to delegate authority, with the choice depending on the specific needs of the principal.

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Key things to consider

Legal Requirements dictate that both the Principal and Agent must be legally competent to execute or receive powers outlined in the Power of Attorney in Thailand. For the document to be valid and enforceable, it must meet all formal and substantive legal requirements. Notarization is a crucial step, involving the authentication of the document by a notary public after it is signed by both parties, ensuring its legality and authenticity. HLG Thailand international and Thailand lawyers stand ready to assist with the notarization process, ensuring compliance with all legal formalities.

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