
Golden Visa

Portugal, known for its vibrant atmosphere and high-quality lifestyle, is a top destination for European residency. The Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program offers non-EU citizens a secure path to residency with minimal stay requirements and visa-free access to the Schengen Area.

Portugal Golden Visa

As a Portugal Golden Visa applicant, you have the right to live and work in Portugal without any obligation to do so. The program offers a favorable tax regime and free travel within the Schengen Area. After five years, you can apply for Portuguese citizenship or permanent residency, granting access to the European Union’s benefits with a Portuguese passport.  

  • Population: Over 10 million inhabitants
  • Languages: Portuguese
  • Economy: Mixed economy with strong services, tourism, and agriculture sectors
  • Currency: Euro (EUR)
  • Visa-Free Travel: 188 countries.

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  • Dependents: Eligible dependents: Spouse or common-law partner,
    dependent children (proof of dependency required if over 18), parents
    (proof of dependency required if under 65).
  • Schengen Area and EU Membership: Portugal is a member of the
    Schengen Area and the European Union.
  • Residency Rights: Right to live, work, and study in Portugal.
  • Pathways to Permanent Residency and Citizenship: Possibility of
    obtaining Permanent Residency and Citizenship in Portugal after 5 years
    (subject to conditions, including a language test)
  • Quality Education and Healthcare: High standard of education and
    healthcare system.
  • Visa-Free Travel within the Schengen Area.
  • No Stringent Requirements: No language, education, or work
    experience requirements.
  • Short Residency Requirement: Short physical residency
    requirement, averaging seven days a year (or 14 days every 2 years),
    with at least 7 days in the first year.


  • Age and Citizenship: Must be over 18 years of age and a Non-
    EU/EEA Citizen.
  • Investment: Make a qualifying investment in Portugal using funds
    from abroad.
  • Investment Duration: Hold the investment for a minimum of 5
    years after the issuance of the residence permit.
  • Financial Obligations: Must have no debt to Portuguese authorities.
  • Criminal Record: Must have a clean criminal record.
  • Health Insurance: Must have private health insurance.
  • Legal Entry: Must not have entered or stayed illegally in Portugal.
  • Administrative Requirements: Must obtain a tax identification
    number and open a bank account in Portugal.
  • Exclusion: Individuals from Russia/Belarus are not eligible.


  • Option 1: EUR 500,000 Investment in Qualifying Portuguese Investment Funds
    • Must be held for at least 5 years after receiving the residence permit.
    • Minimum 60% of the investments realized in commercial companies headquartered in Portugal.
  • Option 2: EUR 250,000 Donation
    • By way of capital transfer applied in investment or support to artistic production, recovery, or maintenance of the national cultural heritage.
    • Directed through Investment to be maintained until receiving Permanent Residency or Citizenship.

Process (12 to 24 months)

  • Obtain Tax Identification Number: Obtain a tax identification number
    in Portugal.
  • Open Bank Account: Open a bank account in Portugal.
  • Complete Qualifying Investment: Complete the qualifying investment.
  • Documentation Preparation: Gather all required application documentation.
  • Application Submission: Submit the application to the Agency for
    Integration, Migration, and Asylum (AIMA).
  • Biometric Submission: Upon approval, the applicant and dependents
    must visit Portugal for biometric submission before the residence permits are issued.
  • Residence Permit Issuance: The residence permit is valid for a period of 2 years, renewable every 2 years subject to the following conditions:
    • Maintaining the investment.
    • Complying with physical residence requirements.

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